vases © GrandPalaisRmn (Limoges, musée national Adrien Dubouché) Frédéric Magnoux

Mondays thematic tours Guided tour

Musée national Adrien Dubouché Limoges - Duration 1h30

Mondays thematic tours are aimed at a more informed public who wish to discover or rediscover different themes in greater depth.

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Individuals session

Discover your Guided tour

Throughout the year, a tour guide takes you through the rooms of the museum for a series of guided tours in French. These visites are in conjunction with conferences organized by the Association des Amis du Musée national Adrien Dubouché.

On Monday, March 17th at 2.30pm, book your ticket for the guided tour “Works from Jingdezhen at the Museum”. This tour, open to all, is linked to the AMNAD conference of the 18th of March : 2,000 years of Chinese porcelain: a journey to Jingdezhen. In China, the city of Jingdezhen is renowned for having been at the heart of porcelain history for several centuries. The works produced in its kilns have found their way into the homes of many collectors. This tour highlights the works from Jingdezhen preserved at the national museum Adrien Dubouché and their influence around the world.

On Monday, April 14th at 2.30pm, join Claire Lathière, head of documentary studies, on a tour entitled “Analysis at work #8: The museum library, unpublished documents”. For this 8th edition of “Analysis at work”, off to the museum library! This time, visitors and guide-lecturer set off to discover unpublished works on Limousin's porcelain heritage and know-how. They'll be accompanied by Claire Lathière, the museum's documentary researcher, together you will dive into the region's industrial times. The visit continues with a convivial moment over a cup of tea!
[This tour is limited to 16 participants.]

On Monday, May 26th at 2.30pm, book your ticket for the guided tour “Faience in the museum”. This tour, open to all, is linked to the AMNAD conference of the 13th of May: The sun rises in the East: faience and porcelain from Niderviller and Lunéville in the 18th century. Faience which is a material that originated in the Near East, was one of the most important ceramic products for several centuries. Discover the major French and European faience centers on this tour!

On Monday, June 2 at 2.30pm, book your ticket for the guided tour “Wines, spirits and other refreshments”. This tour, open to all, is linked to the AMNAD conference of June 3rd: Wines and spirits under the hammer. During this tour, discover ceramic objects linked to the consumption of beverages such as wine, liqueurs and other refreshments throughout history. From the Greek amphora to royal tables and German feasts, do you know the traditions, customs and rituals involved?

Reservations are recommended for these tours. Places are limited to 20 participants.

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Useful information

Activity for adults and children aged 15 and over. Minors must be accompanied by an adult for this activity.
This tour is only available for French speakers. If you would like to take part, please note the following information:

Visitors who are normally entitled to free admission need only purchase the “Single rate” ticket.
Admission to the museum is free for everyone on the first Sunday of every month.
The museum is also free for visitors under the age of 26, working teachers, group leaders, artists and authors, jobseekers and recipients of minimum social benefits upon presentation of proof dated no more than 6 months previously.
  • PMR Access
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  • Coat check or/and baggage room

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Access Musée national Adrien Dubouché Limoges


Musée national Adrien Dubouché Limoges
8 bis Place Winston Churchill, Limoges 87000


Bus n°6 ou n°8 - arrêt place Winston Churchill. Car de tourisme : emplacement réservé devant le musée.
Voiture : parking payant de 600 places en face du musée, et deux parkings souterrains payants (place d’Aine et place de la Motte)