libellule © GrandPalaisRmn (Limoges, musée national Adrien Dubouché) Frédéric Magnoux

First Sundays of the month Guided tour

Musée national Adrien Dubouché Limoges - Duration 1h

Take advantage of the first Sunday of the month to discover or rediscover the museum's collections through one of the exciting themed tours we offer.

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Discover your Guided tour

The museum is free for all on the first Sunday of every month! Seize this opportunity to take a one-price guided tour and discover the museum's masterpieces in the company of a tour guide. These visits are in French.

On Sunday, May 4th à 10.30am, discover “Limoges porcelain”.
Limoges porcelain accounts for over a third of the museum's collections. It covers a period from 1771 to the present day, and bears witness to the diversity of production over more than 250 years. In just one hour, immerse yourself in its history through the world's richest public collection!

[EACD] - On Sunday, April 6th at 2:30pm, as part of the European Artistic Craft Days, take part in the first guided tour of the immersive and intriguing exhibition “Catherine Bernis, Worlds of paper and porcelain”, inviting visitors to dive into the poetic and cosmic universe of this artist. This guided tour offers a curious look at these singular works in the company of the artist herself and Elsa Bachelard, the museum's heritage curator and curator of this exhibition.

On Sunday, June 1st at 10:30 am, take advantage of the first Sunday of the month to discover the work of artist Catherine Bernis with the guided tour In the artist's studio, Catherine Bernis and her contemporaries”.
Contemporary artists use sometimes surprising techniques, invented in different eras. Discover them in the museum's collections, then in the “Catherine Bernis, Worlds of paper and porcelain” exhibition, devoted to the artist's universe and her experimental work with materials.

Reservations are recommended. Places are limited to 20 participants.

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Useful information

This tour is only available for French speakers. If you would like to take part, please note the following information:
- Activity for adults and children aged 15 and over. Minors must be accompanied by an adult (paid admission) for this activity.
- Apart from the guided tour, admission to the permanent collections is free on the first Sunday of the month.
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Access Musée national Adrien Dubouché Limoges


Musée national Adrien Dubouché Limoges
8 bis Place Winston Churchill, Limoges 87000


Bus n°6 ou n°8 - arrêt place Winston Churchill. Car de tourisme : emplacement réservé devant le musée.
Voiture : parking payant de 600 places en face du musée, et deux parkings souterrains payants (place d’Aine et place de la Motte)